January 5, 2018

NILL added new content to the Indian Law Bulletins on 1/5

State Courts Bulletin
In the Interest of A.J.B. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Transfer to Tribal Court)
In Re Termination of Parental Rights to M.J. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Termination of Parental Rights)
Geouge v. Taylor (Indian Child Welfare Act - Notice)
In re A.F. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Placement)

U.S. Federal Courts Bulletin
Crow Allottees Association v. United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (Tribal Water Rights; Federal Provision of Legal Counsel)

News Bulletin
In the Environment & Energy section, we feature an article about the formation of a tribal utility.

U.S. Legislation Bulletin
We added the following bills:
  • S.2270: Mitigating METH Act.
  • H.R.4723: Hualapai Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of 2017.
Klamath Tribe seal

U.S. Regulatory Bulletin   
We feature a notice of the Department of the Interior regarding nixing a water agreement between the Klamath Tribes, the State of Oregon, and numerous irrigators as well as a Bureau of Land Management rule on hydraulic fracturing on Indian lands.